3 Different Ways to Impress People

It is not easy to impress people and it is even more difficult when you try to impress anyone you meet. Creating an impression becomes necessary as you try to land that dream job, build up a relationship and luring that potential business partner or customer.
Creating this idealistic situation does not come on a silver platter and needs strategic efforts, especially with people who are an introvert. Nonetheless, you can impress people in the following three ways;

1. Physical Appearance:

Dressing appropriately for the right occasion is the first step to sending the right signals to people you come across. Know when to wear what and where that cloth can be taken. It is never right to dress casually to a formal event no matter how trendy the cloth may be. For example, putting on jeans with homes and a t-shirt for a corporate ball creates an impression that you are not serious. People may treat you according to your appearance and despite being smart and intelligent, you can be disregarded. As it has been said, dress like a beggar and you will be treated like a beggar. Learn to dress sharp and put on cloth for the right occasion, wear good shoes take matches your dress and a lasting impression would be created. Aside from this, personal hygiene is very important. It is despicable to in this modern days have a bad odour. No one should smell bad in this era of abundant perfumes. Have a clean shave and present yourself, as you would want the other to regard you. This puts you on the right note and opens the door for a conversation without the person thinking twice.

2. Self Confidence:

Building up confidence is the next step to impressing people. No one wants to deal with timid people who lack confidence in expressing themselves. The way you approach a person and the manner in which start a conversation can send either a right or wrong signals about you. Yes, there are people who are naturally the lay back type but that does not seize you to be confident. Approach people with a smile but firm, be eloquent and shouldn’t be murmuring or fumbling as if you are not sure of what to say or scared. That also come with being well mannered and using the right tone in conversation. The choice of words, excluding jargon during formal conversations and knowing what to say and at what time creates a lasting impression. As Rome was not built in a day, you can take steps in building your self-confidence but constant practice and working towards eliminating shyness and timidity and you will be on the right path. On the other hand, you can sometimes impress people with what you do (profession. Sometimes it takes a little confidence in expression what you do to win that life-changing contract. People are good at what they do but their inability to confidently express it becomes an impediment to their progress. If you cannot express yourself well, it becomes difficult to impress people let alone having confidence in you.

3. Honesty:

Being honest is one of the sure ways of creating a lasting impression of yourself. Some people can deliberately seek your opinion on issues and expect to be given honest answers. However, most people try to avoid hurting others feeling by keeping their honest opinions about them and rather become praise singers. You can give an honest opinion, but in a polite way, which at the end won’t hurt. Once people realize that you are being honest with them, it brings about trust and their impression of you becomes positive. Aside from being honest with people, you should also be honest with yourself. Never lie about yourself and things you can do as that can make or unmake you. Once people find out you’ve been lying about yourself, it kills their trust in your relationship with them will be gone for good. On the other hand being honest creates admiration and good impression.


These aforementioned steps are not the only steps of creating a lasting impression as there are several but this article just sought to settle out of three. Creating a good rapport with people who matter is very important. Study these people, know what they like and you can use that to catch their attention.


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