Recipe for Green Smoothie

Your health is said to be your wealth so no matter what it takes, you need to safeguard it. If you are in good shape, you will have the strength to make wealth.
Living a healthy life depend on several things.

· Eating habit
· Exercising
· Having enough rest etc. 

Eating fruits and vegetables is a great source of vitamins and the roughage contained in most of the fruits speeds up the digestion process. Apart from adding fruit and vegetables to your meal, drinking of water at the right moments also helps the body to get the needed water at the right time for replenishing.

Also adding particular recipes to your diet or in between diets can really be helpful. There are several recipes that can help the body regain lost water and nutrient by just taking a glass of it and this particular one, Green Tea Smoothie is one of those.

Green tea Smoothie is very healthy because a well-prepared one can give you all the necessary nutrients the body needs for a day work or relaxation. It also contains antioxidants which help to fight some types of cancer and also good for the heart. There is a lot one can say about green tea and its benefit to the human system. Now if probably you are a first timer and wants to prepare this nutritious Green Tea Smoothie here is the recipe,


So when you get to the local market, just get yourself these ingredients:

1 cup of brewed tea, cooled
Fresh banana, grapes or avocado
One cup of baby spinach
2 spoons Honey and
1 coconut oil.

How to prepare is just simple, add all the ingredients into the blender and blend for till you get your preferred uniformity. Your Green Tea Smoothie is just ready to be served. This simple recipe gives the body the required protein, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins, calcium, sugar among others. So anytime you want an all in all tea, just try the Green Tea Smoothie for your perfect relaxation.


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