You can experience a bloated stomach when you accumulate excess gas in the small intestines. The condition results in the stomach being swollen. You can experience discomfort and, to some extent being body-shamed by others.
Also, symptoms like pains difficulty in breathing, lower back pains, diarrhea, belching, cramps, and heartburns among others can persist.
Causes of Bloated stomach
- Constipation
- Indigestion
- Trapped air in the abdomen
- Taking in much fatty food
- Overeating
- Anorexia
- Ascites
- Peptic ulcer
- Smoking
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Menopause
- Gastroesophageal reflux
Getting rid of the condition can take different forms, including artificial and using natural ways. Below are some easy to find effective bloated stomach natural remedies.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal with its hollow nature has proprieties of absorbing water and gas in the intestine. It comes in capsule, tablet, and powder form. However, it is good to seek medical advice for the required dosage.
Banana is an excellent source of fiber, which is essential in treating a bloated belly. It contains potassium that controls the fluid level in the system. Eat bananas regularly to help get rid of your bloated stomach.

The acidic property of lemon, in addition to its vitamin B, C, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium component, making it suitable for the body. These properties help in digestion and remove harmful toxins while enhances the production of hydrochloric acid. For the bloated stomach, add the lemon to warm water and drink twice a day.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel Seed has diuretic, digestion, antimicrobial and carminative properties. This makes it a useful natural remedy for a bloated belly. Chew a few seeds after your meal and enjoy the outcome. However, take in moderation.
Ginger is very popular when it comes to treating a bloated stomach. Known for its diuretic and other properties, it is one of the best natural remedies for treating diseases. Wash the ginger and slice into pieces. Add hot water to it and allow steeping for five. Add a little lemon, or honey, for taste.
Caraway Seeds
Caraway seed has antimicrobial and carminative properties that deal with bloating and flatulence. Its carvol and carvene content relax the stomach muscle tissues and digestive tracts. Just chew some raw caraway seed each day for the best results. Another way is to prepare tea with it.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile contains an anti-inflammatory agent, which helps in calming down stomach upset and heartburns. That aside, it is also active on the bloated stomach. After ten minutes of boiling, add lemon juice or honey. Drink this three times a day.
Black Salt
A mixture of black salt, dried ginger powder, and asafetida, can resolve the bloated stomach. Add five grams of the black salt to the required proportions of other ingredients. Put
1/2 teaspoon of it in hot water, stir and drink.
Aniseeds and Celery Seeds
A Combination of aniseeds and celery seeds also helps in treating a bloated stomach. Aniseed has carminative properties that reduce bloating by preventing indigestion. Put a teaspoon of aniseeds and a half spoon celery seeds into boiling water for 5 minutes. Take half teaspoon of this twice a day. Another way is to chew them raw. But ensure you don't abuse it.
Black Pepper/ Cayenne Pepper
A combination of black pepper and cayenne pepper helps in treating a bloated stomach. The ingredients have a carminative effect on the digestive system and prevent some symptoms of bloating stomach.
Adding turmeric to your meal can cure you of many digestive system illnesses. It contains curcumin that reduces inflammation. You can also add turmeric powder to hot water and allow for five minutes. Stir properly before drinking.
Dandelion with its diuretic properties, improve urination, and works in the digestion tract. You can add the fresh leaves of dandelion to your meal or blend and drink.
- Gripe Baby Water
Gripe baby water is useful in treating bloating or stomach upset in babies. The ingredients used in gripe baby water is active against digestion problems. You can take the gripe baby water twice a day.
Slippery Elm
The bark of slippery elm is very effective in treating illnesses in the digestive system. This makes it capable of dealing with a bloated stomach. Prepare a tea with the bark of slippery elm by boiling water for about ten minutes. Strain and drink it twice a day.
Betel Leaf
Eating betel leaf after a meal can help clear the digestive tract. Add a little clove oil to the leaf and chew. Betel leaf help expels internal gasses as it influences the discharge of digestion juices. You can also prepare a tea with the leave by steeping it in hot water for five minutes. Strain it and drink.
Green Tea
Your famous Green tea with all its numerous health benefits also can eliminate a bloated belly. It contains antioxidants and anti-toxins that detoxifies the system. Just prepare the tea the usual way and drink.
Licorice root is good in treating a bloated stomach. Aside from its antioxidant properties, it can clear toxins and accumulated fat in the digestive system. To prepare this, add licorice roots to boiling water. After ten minutes, add orange peel or cinnamon to it. Strain it and drink.
Holy Basil
Holy basil is one another natural remedy for bloated stomach and treating digestion problems. It removes toxins from the digestive tracts. Besides, it promotes the functioning of the digestive system. To prepare this, add some fresh or dried holy basil leaves to boiling water. Allow steeping for 15 minutes. Strain and drink twice a day.
Rosemary Tea
Rosemary can deal with digestive tract conditions and relieve the pain associated with the bloated stomach. It has a calmative effect that reduces stomach upset. Boil two cups of water and add rosemary stalk to it. Allow steeping for 5 minutes and strain before adding honey to taste. Drink this tea twice daily.
Healthy eating
Eating a balanced meal is one of the surest ways of preventing getting sick. It is even better when you add fruits or vegetables to it. This enhances the digestion rate to build a robust system.
A healthy lifestyle is one that combines healthy eating with exercise. Frequent exercise strengthens the immune system and enhances the flow of blood and fluid in the body. It helps in burning excess fat and reduce your cholesterol level. Do exercises like jogging, swimming, biking, walking, and aerobics every day for 30 minutes.
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